Monumental Loop

We rolled into Las Cruces plaza on the long downhill from New Mexico State University a little early, around 8:15 on Saturday morning for a 9:00 start and bikepackers were already starting to gather. Some had burritos that they purchased at the farmers market on the plaza and others were chewing on the danger-bread baguetteContinue reading “Monumental Loop”

Building the Serpiente de la Arena Bikepacking Route

The idea of this route was a long time in the making. A couple years ago I discovered he sand roads around Butler Rock and I was recently thinking about those roads with the intention of creating a fatbike specific bikepacking route. The thought of creating a bikepacking route through areas too difficult for tiresContinue reading “Building the Serpiente de la Arena Bikepacking Route”

The Sayner Fatbike Lake Adventure

The window of opportunity is small for doing a multiple-lake adventure ride. The snow depth must be minimal or it becomes too difficult to ride several lakes efficiently within the short winter daylight hours. The lakes need to have enough ice to safely enter and exit it at random spots, which may be through bogs,Continue reading “The Sayner Fatbike Lake Adventure”

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